Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 6

Day 6
It is official - every column (there are 12) has at least one thing growing! It is fabulous.

Picture 1 shows the entree Burpee 72-cell grow system - look how everything has come along! Dead center and on the left are the Morning Glories (now 4 inches) and the Bachelor Buttons (now three inches) clearly happy and growing just fine.

Picture 2 shows just how tall compared to the other plants the Morning Glories and the Bachelor Buttons really are!

My Hot Biscuits are also doing very well. At three inches, these flowers are already grass-like.

The Sweet William and the Baby Doll cells are all now completely occupied and going strong.

Seeds that still have yet to fill each cell are:
Lenaria - 2 out of 6 cells have a sprout
Blue Flax - 3 out of 6 cells have a sprout
Coastal Tidy Tips - 3 out of 6 cells have a sprout

Seeds that still have yet to make an appearance:
Tickseed - stubborn little things!

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